Prostituta Watashi no Jishuren wa Dou Kangaetemo Kore ga Tadashii! | It's your fault for thinking my self-practice is wrong! - Its not my fault that im not popular Deutsch
(C84) [おおた堂 (おおたたけし)] 私の自主練はどう考えてもコレが正しい! (私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!) [英訳]
#189128 - Very pleasing to The Don, these enthusiastic audiences have all wildly cheered the ribald debauchery, as they watched the beasts ravish the willing women, and turn them into helpless, sex drunk sluts. Adding some mother/daughter incest to the debauchery is really going to get things super hot, and nasty. Meanwhile, the devilish Shine, having just missed out on getting Michelle to suck his cock, seized the opportunity to grab her bare tits in his hands and then start sucking on them while she and her shocked daughter both listened closely to Perez get to the heart of the matter by advising X, “In this type of performance my boss’s gratification will come from seeing your wife’s magnificent body get penetrated, and then totally plowed and plundered by each of the donkey’s massive dongs, all three ways, and many times over.